Intentional disciple-making relationships are central to the Christian life. While many people have attended church and have practiced spiritual disciplines, many remain hungry for a deeper experience of God and a greater degree of personal freedom. Growing in the knowledge of God means growing in the knowledge of ourselves, which leads to emotional health and stability. It is our passion to see our people press into not only spirituality, but also emotional maturity through intentional relationships that help us break free from our blind-spots and false gods.
Triads are gender based groups of 3-4 people who commit to gathering regularly to deepen their walk with Jesus, the Gospel, each other, and themselves. We encourage each person who is part of the MDC body to be involved in a Triad because we believe that intentional, Gospel-centered community leads to Gospel transformation. Triads are a place to be known, share life, confess sin, and remind each other of the Gospel on a weekly basis.
As Paul says in Titus 2:11, we are “disciplined by Grace”. Paul teaches us that grace is the centerpiece and power of the Christian life. Because of this, a Triad is less like an accountability group that focuses on behavior modification (which can often be based on guilt) and more like a group of wise counselors that help a person understand their broken desires, beliefs, and past hurts that often drive their sinful actions. Applying the Gospel to those places of pain, false beliefs and false gods is where freedom emerges. In so doing, we learn to not only be present to God, but also present to ourselves. In so doing we reclaim the Imago Dei in us.
Sharing our stories is central to Triads. Sharing our stories provides a great opportunity for God to work His healing grace in the untouched places of our lives and in our histories. These kinds of relationships have the power to break the strongholds of sin while we practice pointing each other to Jesus and inviting him into those broken and dark places.
As we learn the practice of being present to the Presence of God, we also learn to be present to ourselves. In this place of honesty and spiritual integrity, we learn to contrast the the reality of life in God with lies we believe and the facades we create.
As we learn the practice of being present to the Presence of God, we also learn to be present to ourselves. In this place of honesty and spiritual integrity, we learn to contrast the the reality of life in God with lies we believe and the facades we create.
Triads also carve out time for the Spirit to be active in our lives and busy schedules. As modern people, who are extremely busy with work, family, friends, and life, we often need a place to retreat to that reminds us of our need to be present to God and ourselves. Our souls desperately need a reprieve from the pace of life. Triads provide that extra dimension that helps us find rest as we remember together why we are and who we are.
It is our desire that everyone at Missio Dei has will experience this kind of intentional disciple making relationship. If you are interested in getting involved in a Triad, there are two ways of getting involved. The first option is for you to find two or three others of the same sex to start the process. The second way, is to reach out to the pastoral staff at MDC, and we will help you make a connection with others who have the same interest and availability. For those that do form a Triad please let us know. Also, for more information or assistance getting started please fill out this form.
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